With rising prices and stagnant wages, the average house is looking for ways to try to save money. With little effort, many people who are the Green movement and the construction of their own solar systems to reduce operating costs. Solar power for homes is now a reality and should not be expensive.

What is involved, you can ask for and I have special abilities? We seek to explore the basics and answer these questions.

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A solar home system consists of four fundamentalComponents, a solar panel or panels, charge controller, battery, or batteries and inverter. Wires, switches and fuses are required to complete the coupling to the system and to make household electric circuit.

The solar panel is the heart of the system and is usually where the spending is greater. Thousands of plates can be made every day under strict quality controls. An essential part of the panel is the solar cell, which are mounted in series to formpanel array.

Many cells are rejected for minor defects in production, but are still fully functional. These cells can be purchased very cheaply and renovated, with a little effort, and this is what constitutes the basis for an economic system homemade solar power.

Other materials are needed to make a solar panel, plywood, glass, copper, silicon, and solder. All these items can be purchased at the local store.

When mounting a panel is not rocket scienceScience is a simple step-by-step illustrated guide is a must. Fortunately, there is a good e-book available on the Internet, who was out of the process in detail.

After mounting the panels must be positioned to capture the sun as much as possible. One is the roof of the south is an obvious and convenient location, but if this is not possible, an open space in the backyard is enough.

The panel is connected to the battery via the battery charge regulator and families over theInverter and a switching mechanism that local regulations. These components can be purchased used or refurbished to be very cheap.

So that's it. Solar power for homes is now within the reach of the average home. Join the tens of thousands of home improvement, construction of solar systems and always one step ahead of the service company.

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